A Comfort Move10/4/2012 So when I started writing this I was going to put this on my hear page. I was just going to put a description and post a YouTube link to a half a track of music.... In Movember (the month dedicated to men’s health) I am going to move to a new place. Still in the neighbourhood, just a little further down in my “little village”. It’s a lot smaller then what I am use to at the moment. I still need to go and take measurements to see what will fit and what I need to get rid of and downsize. I am looking forward to it though, because it will be my own space. It is just my lady that needs to fit in somehow. Just cannot see myself getting rid of her, my dear out of tune piano! My current neighbours have become use to my private little sessions they hear through the windows and walls. It has become comforting to know that they do not mind my experiments on the ivory. Loved it and surprised the other day when from across the road I was told: “We really enjoy your late night practice sessions.” There is something I cannot describe when a new piece starts to develop. Some have taken years to complete, others minutes. It usually starts after one of those life’s high moments. (No not the green stuff. ) And my highs can be very low sometimes because those are the moments easier to realise that I am alive! We do tend to spot the bad so much easier than the beauty don’t we? But either way good or bad, those are the moments I sit down in front of my piano and she lets me go. So playing time will be restricted when I move. And it will take time to learn to experiment and be comfortable with the ears outside perhaps judging. Glad to already know that one set of ears there I will be fine with. So this got posted on the feel page? Comfort zones! As humans we are so scared of breaking them. I started blogging just over a year ago. At first the thought of strangers being able to see and read what I add to the world wide web was a bit daunting. But now I laugh at the silly people that add sweet comments to my comments fields with a hidden pornographic links to get me to their site. Thanks to Weebly.com that is spotted quite quickly and easily when I log into my management site. Anyway we all lose (and gain) our comfort zone at some point: there are wars, there is death, changes in economy, loss of family members, loss of friends, divorce, break-ups, illness, loss of a loved pet, change or loss of a job, change in weather, getting a tattoo, being pierced, change in sexuality, addictions, loss of religion and believe, etc, etc, etc, etc and ....my move... Below ( thanks to limited memory space on my phone) I have added half a track of my comfort zone that I put my neighbours through last night....and breaking it with a smile! Till soon ...c
June 2019
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